Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I have one class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Today we had a test.
My dog, Kenni, and I spent some time at the park, enjoying the wonderful weather. Then I came home to write my short story for English Comp II, due tomorrow.
I was laying on my bed, turning on my laptop. My window was wide open so the cool breeze would make its way into my room, the sunshine melting the last traces of snow from the ground. I heard a soft rustling sound, and glanced out my window. I had a Valentine's day visitor! (Sad thing is it was 1:30 p.m. and I had just realized what day it is.) I saw this armadillo sniffling around in the dead leaves on the ground outside my window. Quickly, I jumped to my feet, grabbed my phone since my camera disappeared at the Cresent Hotel last month, and ran out the door, leaving Kenni inside barking at me. I did not want her scaring off the poor animal.
I was surprised how close I got to him and how close he got to me! I couldn't believe he didn't hear my sparkly shoes crunching leaves, but he went right on sniffling around in the ground, making a trail with his snout. He was so cute! I would love one as a pet, if they were domesticated, of course. I think he finally spotted me, however, because he started to make his way up the hill and hid under our jeep for a little while.
This is the wonderful way I spent my Valentine's day.

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