Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Over the Rainbow: An Introduction

Everyone dreams of Over the Rainbow, that everlasting place of serene happiness. A place of such joy and contentment devoid of all things painful. There is no hurt, no sadness, no anger there. It is the ultimate Utopia. It is perfect.
Over the Rainbow is different for everyone. Some see it as their dream, the place they reach for in their everyday achievements, the place they live each day to get closer to. The big promotion at work that will make all your hard work finally pay off. The lead in the Broadway play you've known you were going to get since you played Annie in elementary school. The picket fence life. Over the Rainbow is every individual person's American Dream.
The sad part is, it doesn't really exist. Try as we might, we are never truely happy, never truley connected to the rest of the world. We wander around in our own bubbles, our own minds, dreaming about Over the Rainbow but never going there. Maybe we do acomplish our dreams, get that promotion, the lead, the fence. Only, we then find out it isn't all it's cracked up to be. It is great for a while, but we are constantly reaching for that Something More. Even when we have no idea what that something more is. It is human nature to strive for the top then realize there is another ladder we must climb after that one. Over the Rainbow is always at the tip of our fingers, but it is never in our grasp.
This blog is Over the Rainbow. This is where I will compose dreams, where I will say things people think, but don't dare utter. Where I will share some insight into a crazy, rainy world. Where I will share poems written by others that inspire me, share paintings and thoughts. This is the Over the Rainbow of inspiration.

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